THE JADE GROUP is a joint venture partnership between LXG and ProJades.
Our foundational roots starting as Level Construction in 2005 have evolved into additional in-house competency verticals over the years – Level Development, Level Hospitality & Level Capital – supporting multiple industries, sectors and service areas.  Today, all verticals are represented by our parent company, LXG.

LXG provides full-service national client solutions, including site selection & qualification, entitlements & feasibility, funding & acquisition, design & construction and sales & marketing.  The distinctive advantage of specialized in-house domain verticals working in-concert provide our commercial partners a comprehensive and proven end-to-end experience in developing nationwide expansion points.

Our company structure provides the ability to quickly adjust with the client’s growth strategy taking into account the ever changing CRE landscape while upholding our core principles – Trust, Transparency and Tenacity.  With corporate offices located in Houston & Chicago, LXG is able to service clients nationwide.
Our foundational roots started as a software development firm in early 2002, where we created an intelligent data-driven software application leveraging a vast number of data sources in early 2009 to pin point high value residential sites for investment, which accelerated the site selection and acquisition process.  In addition, the software application further enabled systematic market, vendor & pricing analysis to quickly evaluate the appropriate investment strategy & approach.  These collective capabilities provided our team the quick decision-making advantage based on data, which positioned us to build, own and manage 800+ properties and manage 2,200+ external properties.

Our company has been blessed with a continuum of a workforce of leaders with instinctual foresight, creative imagination and relentless courage to change the course of direction at key points along the way so that the company could remain competitive and continue to grow in new verticals, including real estate.  These accomplishments do not happen in silo - rather it takes a team of trusted and like-minded individuals, which we cherish and support everyday.



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